Listen to who a critical thinker said about Multilevel marketing- Ponzi or multilevel schemes.
Many people are misinterpreting what I said.
I don't wish any business to crash but I'm alerting you guys to see the signs.
I'm like a rape victim, calling out rapists but you are leaving the rapists and attacking the Raped.
MLM raped me, It is Raping you.
Do your research, do your findings on YouTube, Google.
You will see there is alot of fakery in MLM.
You live an audio lavida loca(fake)
When a friend wants to inspect you and you refuse, they term you bad energy , they tell you you have a poverty mentality.
They always invite you to seminars and their words are often so easy and soluble.
They tell you in 6 months you will live your dream life, they tell you, hard work is the key to financial freedom.
They tell you , you earn by bringing more people.
When you are invited in their seminar, they infect you with Their positive energy, you see yourself feeling like you are missing it, you finally fall in to register.You pay all the money needed and then you are welcome to the family.
You enter and see the reality of things,"Bring more people".
Your upline becomes your coach, they tell you to post more on social media , every WhatsApp group you join , you make sure you post.
You will scramble for downlines and if after some few weeks, you still don't get downlines, they tell you, you are not working hard enough.
They tell you, keep trying.
They tell you to write a message to every contact on your contact list , tell them about the business, out of 200 contacts, 20 will be interested and out of the 20, atleast 2 will register and you become their upline, you make some cool cash and you say voila la Vida loca.
You begin telling your 2 downlines to bring atleast 2persons each .
Some of them don't buy your dream, they realise you were lying and they cry their money, the other will be trying to bring 2 People and you forward them the notes your upline sent to you.
That week you make nothing from referral , you become frustrated and then mean.Anyone with contrary view is a lad.
Any vulnerable youth ,anxious for money will buy your sweet talk and then join .
You start gathering money from referral and you start organising your own seminar and telling them to being more 2 People.
Your upline is happy with you cause he is making money out of it.
When the CEO of the company attains his target, the target which your upline does not know, the target you yourself don't know,the target your downlines don't know.
Then the business collapses and your downlines are left heartbroken.
Some downlines will drag you in verbal and physical combat ,some let go but some don't.
Your upline is mute, there is problem at every level.downline against upline , The CEO enjoys his cool money, takes his family for a vacation in Dubai and then 2 years later they restrategise and come back again with one juicy offer.
These people always come like Master Jesus and His disciples.
When he came ,he called His 12 disciples, taught them and sent them out to go and evangelise .
These people look for some influenctial people, give them money and then creates them Account and then sends them to go and evangelise (Bring 2 People).
Then the CEOs will use the influential few and make their money and then go away.
The influential few will have nothing to loose, only their poor masses will be bitter.
I know some people will still argue, let me ask you
Do you think those MLM can survive without downlines?
Africa has always been their farm, they come and farm with the sole aim to keep us poor forever.
There is a leaked documentary" KEEP THEM POOR"
After I watched that documentary, I cried.
We are attacking Christians of being brainwashed but we are brainwashed mightily in the MLM sector.
God help Africa.
They colonised us in 1884 and now they are colonising our mindsets.
They tell you poverty is a mindset.
We want to gain riches over night.
Africa in belly.
I hold Africa at heart Africa first.
We need a breed of Africans who are not milking their brothers to give wealth to a stranger.
We need a generation of Africans who are not easily scammed.
We need it.
Nkefi Leonard- Forex Trader.