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Wednesday, 27 November 2019

[Cameroon] 15000 Scholarships This December On Forex trading by Cameroon Online School of Forex

Learn Forex trading with Cameroon Online School of Forex-CMRFOREX 
Welcome to Cameroon online school of Forex-foreign CMRFOREX where trading and training is changing the lives of hundred of thousands worldwide. Take a look at what you need to know as a beginner in the field of Forex.

What is Forex trading?

Thought about FX trading but unsure what it is and where to start? Generally speaking, the forex market is a place, where investors, banks, governments, importers/exporters and normal people like yourself can trade by buying and selling currencies.

Anyone with a few dollars and an appetite to profit from constantly fluctuating prices can get involved in forex trading. Forex is one of the places where you can invest your money to generate an additional income. Most of the instruments (a type of asset) traded here are currency pairs (which means you buy one currency by selling another, for example Euros for Dollars) but you can also trade shares, stocks, indexes and commodities like gold or oil.

 Trading doesn’t require you to go anywhere or have any extra skills or special knowledge. It’s all done online, so all you need is an access to the internet and a computer or smartphone. But rest assured it’s a much easier process than most people think. Forex has many advantages over other forms of investments. First of all, it’s very large and decentralised, which decreases the chance of the market being manipulated by individuals. In addition, you can not only profit from prices going up but also from them going down.

 But please note, trading is risky, and it may result in losses. What’s more, the Forex market is open 24 hours a day, 5 days a week, so there’s always time to do some extra trading after work or when you’ve got a spare moment. Many of our traders don’t spend hours in front of a screen every day.

They don’t need to. We’ll guide you through the trading languages, strategies and techniques you’ll need to become a trader so you can spend the rest of your time doing what you love. So, stick with us and unlock the secrets of successful trading. Now all you have to do is ‘Learn More’.

 Fx by banks and exchangers in Cameroon.

 Real life E.g of forex trading by local banks in Cameroon n elsewhere. You received $10000 from a sister abroad and you went to the Bank to change it to CFA (You are the Seller). The bank would tell you that the latest exchange rate is 550/$1 so they will give you FCFA 5 500 000 the equivalent of $10000.

The next day an urgency come up and you needed $10000 to travel for your honey moon and you step into the Bank and the bank now tells you that their exchange rate is 600 FCFA/$1, (Bank is the seller now) now you have to buy FCFA600000 for that same $10000.

In this situation, FCFA550 is the BID PRICE and 600 is the ASK PRICE. The Bank just made a sum of FCFA 500000 from this one transaction and managers will never stop driving in big Cars. They will never want you the customer to learn Forex Trading because its liquidity can change your fortune in just a few weeks of trading. Well knowledge is only circulated among elites. But I will teach you to do this just with your mobile phone or laptop.

If your indicators or strategy shows that a currency is low, I will buy and when it rises now I will close my trade or it's done automatically by my broker. I will teach u indicators for that. And for selling, if I feel that a currency will drop, I will sell it and as it's dropping I am earning. All withdrawals and received through banks account or online wallet.


 I know some of u guys must have been scammed by investment schemes. Many r just scared of anything they see online. It is a decentralized system and nobody owns it. Forex trading is about 80 yrs old. Today, I advice you to clear that though of scam when it comes to forex trading. This is called Forex trading we have to start on the 29th, Jan. 2021. Here we buy n sell foreign currencies and commodities and make profit from it. Forex means foreign exchange.

When we buy we earn n when we sell we earn. I will teach you guys the indicators for that. The training shall take three weeks with a very simple language that everyone can understand. This is the 40th scholarship batch and am happy to receive you guys. After the training you guys will be the ones to trade on your own. No sending of money to scammers or people you don't know even me. Trading start from Monday n stops on Friday. For those who are timid about the payment feel free.

Have in mind that CMRFOREX will never do you any harm when it comes to finances. We just want to help out many Cameroonians into the field of Forex. The CEO did his training for 250 000frs. I know it's hard especially for Anglophone that's why I decide to come up with a 90% scholarship scheme.

You only have to pay 20,000frs before the 25th Jan, 2021 or you pay 25000 frs after this date. To make your payment, contact or whatsapp 675421156. Make sure you are added to the final group after payment. Thanks. CMRFOREX 2020.
JOIN us for the next training here. https://chat.whatsapp.com/EeZ0JbkOX1BK5TpKTorkBi

If you are already a trader and you wanna get cash trading, deposits and withdraw in 5 to 10 minutes signup here www.fbs.com . Fbs is one of the best forex brokers in the world. For more details contact +237675421156.

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