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Monday 7 January 2019

Scholarships For Cameroonian Students At The University Of Southern Indiana, USA-2019

Scholarships for Cameroonian and international students.
The University of Southern Indiana encourages international students to apply for this scholarship offered by the university. International student should apply as early as possible and in advance for the semester they plan to attend. The scholarships consist of several levels of support.

To apply for international student's scholarship at the University of Southern Indiana, students must apply for admission and be admitted to the university of Southern Indiana before completing the scholarship application

The University of Southern Indiana admits over 11,000 dual credits, undergraduate and graduate students in more than 130 areas of study. They offer over 70 undergraduate majors, 13 master's programs, and two doctoral programs.

About The Scholarship

  1. Application deadline: March 1, 2019
  2. Course level: Degree
  3. Nationality: Cameroon and international students
  4. Number of Scholarships: Multiple scholarships are available
  5. Scholarship Award: International Merit Scholarship amount of $500-$3,000 per year, Global Leader Scholarships amount for $10,656 per year, Global Ambassador Scholarships award (Not available for now) and Intensive English Program Top Achiever award amount for $500.
  6. Scholarship can be taken in the USA.

Eligibility for The USI Scholarship:

 Candidates from Cameroon and other international students for the University of Southern Indiana scholarship must have the following minimum qualifications:

  • Students must apply for admission and be accepted to USI.
  • Complete international student scholarship application by deadline.
  • Have demonstrated a record of achievement with minimum cumulative high school GPA of 3.5 or higher on a scale of 4.
  • Have or plan to have non-immigrant visa (F1 or J-1) student visa.
  • Preference is given to freshmen. A freshmen is a first-time student who has not attended any college or university after high school with exception of ESL study.
  • Scholarship is eligible for international students.

  • Entrance Requirements: The international student scholarship application consist of four components: The application, two recommendation forms with recommendation letters or comments, and two short essays.

How To Apply

The application process is online. Interested students should complete a separate scholarship application in addition to the application for admission. Students should apply through this link .

Please you need to submit essays and you must have two referees who should complete and send a recommendation form each Download Now and send to i.apply@usi.edu after completion.
All recommendation forms must be received by the application deadline: 1st March, 2019.

Saturday 5 January 2019

Make Money Blogging In Cameroon [A Must Read]

Make money blogging in Cameroon-Making money online in Cameroon.
Blogging can make you become a millionaire in Cameroon. A blog is a site where articles are frequently updated and those who update them are called bloggers. To make money blogging in Cameroon is not more a misery but what to blog on.

Every Cameroonian can freely create a blog on Blogger.com or on Wordpress which are the most common blogging platforms though both have their positive and negative aspects. For me I prefer Blogger and am just used to it and since it belongs to the giant Google, i think its good to start with.

How To Become A Millionaire Blogging

Firstly, you have to choose a niche e.g Cameroon, USA, Nigeria, India, Ghana, Guatemala, Canada, South Africa, Tunisia, Japan, UK, Estonia, France e.t.c and a cool topic to start with e.g Health and Fitness, Marketing, Agriculture, Show Biz and Entertainment, News and Media, Technology, Science, Education or what you like the most. Start with your first blog post and post at least 4 or 5 per week.

Share on social media, promote your blog on Quora, Facebook, WhatsApp, Google +, LinkedIn, Twitter e.t.c... Blogger permit blogger blogs to be crawl by Google Search Engines for free that's why you may be searching for something on the internet and you are directed to a particular or different websites or blogs because the term you were searching was found similarly on their site. E.g Type "Blogging in Cameroon", my site Fly4studiesCameroon will obviously pop up simply because one of my blog posts has such Words.

Affiliate Marketing

Bloggers in Cameroon are making huge sums from affiliate marketing. With affiliate marketing, you subscribe to a site that sales products or advertise a service and you are given a unique link and when people use it to buy, you earn commission for that buy. E.g YusCard is a company here in Cameroon that exchange bitcoin to cfa and the money sent to you through Mobile Money or through Bank Account, they also have an investment platform. They also have a Visa Card where bitcoins can be bought and stocked in and can be withdrawn in any ATM terminal worldwide. Here is my affiliate link with YusCard. So  I earn as people subscribe through my link. There are others like Jumia, ClickBanks, Binance and thousands of affiliates online.

Advertise on Your Blog

There is what we call third party advertising. Companies like Google, Propellar Ads, ClixSense and many others buy spaces on our blogs to advertise. But Google AdSense is the highest paying company among them. If MTNCameroon wish to advertise a service in their company, they will contact Google, send them the advert and Google AdSense will send these adverts to its blogs in Cameroon. Once people visit the ads, 60% is given to the blogger and 40% is for Google. 

Companies in Cameroon have sites but the sites are not as hot as blogs, these companies may decide to look for bloggers to write a review about their site or the service they offer. You as the blogger may decide to charge 500 words for 15000 fcfa or any amount of your choice.

For you to succeed in becoming a millionaire in Cameroon blogging, you need blog traffic. Write heart breaking stories to catch the attention of readers so the they will obviously subscribe for you blog posts or will always want to re-visit your blog.

Sale Your Own Products

You know your blogging topic so well and you have been blogging on the topic for long and you know how important your topic is to your readers. Collect a few posts and correlate a nice eBook or Printable Book and you start to sell on your blog. You can convert it to html and paste it on your side bar. People can also buy space from you blog to sell their own products. E.g If you are blogging on Health, you may Write a 50 page eBook "How To Cure Malaria in 2 Days". But don't expect enough buys from countries where Malaria doesn't exist though researchers can still buy for studies.

Making money online in Cameroon and becoming a millionaire is not more a new story but many youths are still scared. Blogging doesn't need a lot of coding with blogger because almost all have been done for you. These are a few ways bloggers make money online in Cameroon and becoming millionaires. If you want to start a blog today in Cameroon, use the contact button or Our Contact Page (affiliate) blog to chat with us for more advise.

Rooney Nshing is a Cameroonian blogger who blogs for passion though money steps in at many instances, why? I Affiliate, market, advertise and sell products on my blogs.

Friday 4 January 2019

2019 Cabinet Reshuffle In Cameroon

2019 Cabinet reshuffle by H.E PAUL BIYA
Philemon Yang is not more the Prime minister of Cameroon after the January 4 January 2019 Biya's cabinet reshuffle in Cameroon. The new prime minister as of the 4th of January in Cameroon is Dion Ngute Joseph.

Born in 1954 at Bongongo in Ndian Division of the South West Region of Cameroon. From 1966 to 1971 he studied in Bilingual Grammar school Buea where he obtained the GCE Advanced Level. From 1973 to 1977, he further his higher education at the University of Yaounde where he obtained a degree in Law.

From 1977-1978, he was admitted at Queen Mary College at the University of London where he obtained his Master's degree in Law and from 1978 to 1982 he followed the Ph.D program at the University of Warwick in Great Britain.

Since 1966 to 1971 he has been a lecturer at the University of Yaounde II and in 1986, he was appointed the Assistant Director at ENAM and in 1991 he become the Director general of ENAM and the same time being the interim Director general at CENAM from 1993-1995. From 7 December 1997, he has been the minister delegate at the Ministry of External Relations in Charge of Commonwealth.

Here is the list of ministers that will work with Dion Ngute Joseph

Minister of state, general secretariat at the presidency of the Republic, Ferdinand Ngo Ngo.
Minister of state in charge of Higher Education Fame Ndongo.
Minister of Arts and Culture, Bidung Kpwatt Pierre.
Delegate at the Ministry of Justice Mme Momo Jean De Dieu.
Minister of Public Works, Ibrahim Talba Malla.
Minster of Lands and Survey, Eyebe Ayissi.
Minister of Communication, Rene Sadi.
Minister of Basic Education, Etoundi Ngoa.
Minister of Employment and Professional Training, Issa Tchiroma.
Minister of Mines, Dodo Ndocke.
Minister of Urban Development and Habitat, Ketcha Courtes
Minister of Small and Medium size enterprises, Basselekin
Minister of Public Health Malaounda.
Minister of Sports and Physical Education, Mouelle Kombi.
Minister in Charge Missions at the Presidency Ndong Soumhet Benoit.

Wednesday 2 January 2019

Read What President Biya Told The Amba Boys At His End Of Year Speech

Paul Biya, Prsedient of the Republic of Cameroon- 2019 Speech

[8:39 PM, 12/31/2018]
Fellow Cameroonians,

My dear compatriots,

"The seven-year term that has just begun should be decisive for our country. It could even be one of the most defining moments of our post-independence history.

Let me explain.

During the past half-century that has just ended, we progressively established democratic institutions. We strove to maintain security throughout our territory. We made every effort to switch from an obsolete economic model to a more modern system that is more consistent with our national interest.

Of course, this was a long haul. Some objectives, such as the establishment of democracy, were achieved. Those related to security were only partly achieved, due to serious internal and external threats. Lastly, others, the most ambitious ones which aimed to transform our society, were implemented patiently.

Unforeseen difficulties compounded our task. In the 1980s, the sharp deterioration of terms of trade jeopardized our progress. Ten years later, the global economic and financial crisis put a stop to our momentum and slowed down our growth. More recently, falling oil and commodity prices had the same impact.

However, we did not give up. In the face of adversity, we designed a three-phase development strategy: greater achievements, major accomplishments and great opportunities. We hope that this last phase will steer us to the threshold of emergence.

It is perhaps not futile to clarify what we mean by emergence. Generally, the term refers to an improvement in a situation. As commonly understood, it means the transition from an underdeveloped to a developed country. This is our meaning of the term and that is why I instructed that it should be considered as a “national cause”.

I believe that the coming years will be decisive regarding the achievement of this objective. To that end, we will have to get down to three key tasks, namely restore security, enhance our economic growth and significantly improve the living conditions of Cameroonians.

    Considering that SECURITY is a sine qua non for civil peace and economic and social progress, it should be prioritized.

Given that the situation in the Far-North has been stabilized and on our eastern border brought under control, I will focus on the situation in the North-West and South-West Regions.

Recently, I had the opportunity to express myself regarding the issues concerning them. I stated and I reaffirm my deepest concern for the populations of these two regions. I am very sensitive to their worries about their safety and their aspirations for a return to calm and normal social life.

If my appeal to warmongers to lay down their weapons remains unheeded, the Defense and Security Forces will be instructed to neutralize them. I am well aware of the distress these rebels are causing the populations of these regions. This situation cannot be allowed to continue.

In a spirit of national harmony, I decided to set up a “National Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Committee” to avoid the use of extreme measures. The duties of this body, which is under the authority of the Prime Minister, are to organize, supervise and manage the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants of Boko Haram and armed groups in the North-West and South-West Regions willing to respond favourably to the hand of peace extended to them.

I wish to emphasize that this initiative provides a dignified way out for ex-combatants and prospects for social reintegration, and should pave the way for a return to calm and normalcy.

On the other hand, measures will be taken as soon as possible to give the local communities of our country the powers that would enable them to play a greater role in the management of local affairs. At the same time, the promotion of bilingualism and multiculturalism will be fast-tracked.

Furthermore, I intend to continue the dialogue initiated with people of good-will to bring about lasting peace.

Paradoxically, one of the effects of the unfortunate events that have been affecting social life in the North-West and South-West Regions for months now may surprise many of us. The populations of these two regions have noticed the sincerity of the intentions of authorities concerning the new powers delegated to local communities and the solidarity of the rest of the Nation towards them. My wish is that, eventually, national unity will be strengthened.

           It will also be necessary to accelerate the GROWTH RATE of our economy.

Earlier on, I mentioned the external factors that slowed down our economic growth. Our economy is gradually recovering thanks to the measures we have taken. However, we will have to redouble our efforts to stay on the path of emergence.

Without going into details of our projects which I talked about recently, I would like to simply recall that one of our priorities should be the modernization of our agriculture by meeting its production and diversification targets, and providing it with the required technical resources. The broad outline of this “agricultural revolution” was defined at the Ebolowa Agricultural Show and is still relevant.

The same is true for our major industrialization project which should be implemented in line with the orientations of our Master Plan. Its priority should be the processing of our agricultural commodities to give them value added and reduce our imports of goods and services.

We will continue to provide our country with energy infrastructure to meet the needs of our Agro-industry and various industrial sectors, as well as the demands of our people. In addition to hydroelectric dams, solar energy plants will be constructed for rural electrification.

The remarkable efforts that have already been made to develop our transport infrastructure (roads, motorways, ports and airports) will be continued to boost our economy and ease the mobility of our compatriots.

Furthermore, by concluding an economic and financial arrangement with the International Monetary Fund in 2017 under the “Extended Credit Facility”, we undertook to pursue the implementation of our structural reforms, maintain our fiscal balance and ensure the sustainability of our external debt.

It is against this backdrop that we will have to finance our major projects. To that end, we will need to increasingly resort to financial institutions that apply more accessible concessional lending rates. It is inadmissible that our projects should take much more time to mature than in countries of a comparable level of development. Maturation periods of time should be reduced.

Some of our problems stem from the fact that the structures of our economy make us to depend heavily on the external world, especially the prices of our commodities. I have often said that we are in a position to produce most of what we import, be it agricultural or industrial products. It is absolutely necessary to take this into account. We have no choice in the face of growing protectionism.

In the same vein, it is necessary for us to do more to incorporate digital progress into the functioning of our public services and our economy. The developing digital society will not wait for laggards.

    Once our security is restored and our growth revived, we have to give our democracy the SOCIAL DIMENSION it deserves.

Significant progress has already been made in that connection over the past decades. More effort will be  required to build a society that ensures equal opportunity and decent living conditions for the entire population.

We will therefore continue to:

- extend a system of quality education at all levels by focusing on professionalization;

- build more Health Centers, extend our network of referral hospitals and finance our social security scheme;

- solve the nagging problem of low-cost housing;

- further improve access to drinking water and electricity, including in rural areas;

- and, lastly, promote the role of women and youths in our society.

In so doing, we will eventually roll back poverty which is the source of the diverse exclusions still existing in our country.

A problem of particular concern to me is still to be addressed. I am referring to unemployment, especially among youths. Naturally, the government services responsible for addressing the issue will do what is expected of them. However, it should be acknowledged that this social ill which is affecting most countries on the planet is closely linked to the level of economic activity, in other words growth.

That is why we will do all we can to encourage and boost the growth rebound we are currently experiencing.

Fellow Cameroonians,

My dear compatriots,

That is the triple challenge we are facing. I have no doubt that we will overcome it if we remain united, supportive and committed.

As you are aware, our country was poised to host the great African football jamboree in 2019. Based on certain information, the African Football Confederation decided that the date should be shifted. We have taken note of the decision. As I have already said, all investments relating to the organization of AFCON will be carried out. I avail myself of this opportunity to urge you to remain mobilized to ensure the eventual construction of our road, railway, hospital and sports infrastructure for this major event: our country deserves it indeed.

My dear compatriots,

Believe me, in these difficult moments, I am devoting all my energy and all my experience to ensuring peace, unity and progress in our beloved and beautiful country.

I count on each and every one of you to help me in this endeavor.

I wish you all a happy and prosperous 2019".

Long live the Republic!

Long live Cameroon!

Yaounde, 31 December 2018.

Tuesday 1 January 2019

Bitcoin On Track To Replace Gold As The Main Store Of Value

Bitcoin to replace gold as a store of value www.fly4studycm.com
Bitcoin is actually on its way to replace Gold as the dominant store of value as its market cap stand tall above that of silver.

Kerner Lou told bloomberg, "Today, the main store of value is Gold. It is an $8 trillion [Market]. Bitcoin today is around $60 Billion having an opportunity to actually replace Gold as the dominant store of value.

Kerner is the Founding partner of the New York-based CryptoOracle, said despite the current bear market, crypto would be a far more disruptive technology than the internet. " The disruption will be more than what we saw from the internet." Kerner's predictions.

Bitcoin like Yahoo of its days. In 20 years bitcoin will have created trillions of dollars in value similar to how the internet has "He insisted" we are at the very beginning today.

When asked why a huge bear in bitcoin price from $19500 in December, 2017 Kerner said its because the market got ahead of itself due to unchecked capitalism. Virtual currencies and blockchain would eventually prove that they are far more revolutionary than first imagined

Kerner from his explanation means that the impact of cryptocurrency and blockchain won't be known until 20 years into the future.

Why do you think Gold will be replaced by Bitcoin?

He elaborated on his stance that bitcoin or btc would replace gold as a store of value, Kerner said gold had a good run, but it's time to step aside. Gold has had 5000-year run. If you look at the history of currencies over time, 100% of them until 400 years- went to zero.

According to him Dollar is a Ponzi scheme and that's how governments work. No body thinks we're ever going to pay back the debt that we have. We're never going to pay back $20 trillion plus dollars of debt. The only thing that has held up over time is gold. That's your store of value.

Currencies degrade over time and eventually go to zero, so $8 trillion is stored in gold, $60 billion for Bitcoin and $50 for silver. So it stand tall above Silver as a store of value.

Critics from financial analysts claim that bitcoin is not a store of value, not a medium of exchange and not universally accepted but tech billionaires like Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO, Peter Thiel, Paypal Co-founder and Tech Venture Capitalist Tim Drapper are confident that bitcoin will ultimately displace all other currencies.




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